Welcome to Fox Psychological Services
In our experience, most people struggle with psychological issues at some point in their life. This can include feeling very low/ depressed, feeling anxious, addressing some form of difficulty/ trauma or struggles with body image/ eating problems. Furthermore, living and working in a busy city can lead to stresses that can be brought on by hard jobs or difficult relationships. Therapy will can provide a safe place where it is possible to make sense of what you are going through and, importantly, help you to make changes in your life to help you feel better or more able to manage your difficulties.
Fox Psychological Services is a specialist psychotherapy provider that has basis in Central Manchester, but also provides appointments online. We have a high level of expertise in treating and working with psychological conditions including eating disorders and body image concerns. We also have specialist knowledge and skills in working with most adult mental health problems, including depression, anxiety (including work/ study stress), OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder and childhood trauma. Furthermore we pride ourselves on offering evidence based and effective treatments for eating disorders and other disorders. We offer both face-to-face therapies and online individual treatments (subject to assessment).

What would therapy look like?
We strongly believe that each person is unique and therefore we use a variety of different treatments and approaches that are tailored to your individual needs and goals. As you will see, our team is trained across a number of different therapies (e.g. CBT, CAT, EMDR, EFT and DBT) and this desire to learn different ways of working reflects an awareness that one approach does not suit everybody.
At the first meeting, we shall work with you in order to understand your issues as clearly as possible so that the best treatment package can be devised for you. We offer assessment, formulation and therapy to adults over 18 years of age experiencing mental health problems and/or interpersonal difficulties.
We are aware that considering to start a therapy can be very anxiety provoking so John is willing and happy to offer a free 30 minute telephone consultation to see if having therapy with one of our team will be beneficial to you. If this is something that would interest you, please drop us an email on contact@foxpsychology.co.uk.
For therapy, the first actual face-to-face appointment is very important. It is our aim to listen very carefully to your problems and concerns. This is done in a way that produces a climate of trust and understanding, and provides a clear sense of what you would like to gain from therapy.
At the end of the assessment appointment we would offer our professional opinion of what we think is achievable for therapy and how many sessions we believe it will take to reach this point. At this stage we will often offer a contract of therapy (this is not a legal contract, but a semi-formal agreement on the number of sessions for your therapy). Alternatively, we may suggest further assessment sessions before we decide on a possible treatment. As with all our work at Fox Psychological Services, we ensure that you are central to any decisions about your care and/ or therapy.
Occasionally, it may become evident that we are not the right service to offer you therapy or support and we may suggest a referral to someone else who could help you further. Our overarching concern is about addressing your needs and we would not hesitate to offer an alternative service or therapist, if we think that would be best option. Whatever the decision is, we will make it together and you are obviously free to change your mind.
We are based in the Manchester City Centre (Remedy Lounge, 3rd Floor, Milton Hall, 244 Deansgate, Manchester, www.remedylounge.co.uk, but we also offer sessions online.
All appointments last for 1 hour.
If you need to book an appointment and/or query anything, including fees, please email contact@foxpsychology.co.uk.
Should you need to cancel an appointment please do so at least 48 hours in advance. Otherwise you will be charged for the missed/cancelled session.
We are also able to offer appointments on various online platforms, such as Zoom.